Letter to brother be serious in studies

Letter to brother be serious in studies

  Letter to the younger brother to be serious in studies.

1st Aprill, 2018

Dear Mustafijur Rahaman

Yesterday, I received an alarming letter from mother. I am very sorry that you are not regular in your studies. You have not done well in the half-yearly examination. I am worried to learn that you are too much fond of games and sports. You like to remain outside the home most of the day. This is very bad. My dear brother, you must be punctual in studies. Please remember that you are the son of a respectable family. You must not put off your work of today for tomorrow. Moreover, you know that we are a middle-class family and we have many hopes regarding you. If you spoil all our dreams, it will be very pathetic. I am greatly shocked to learn that you are mixing with evil companies. Don’t you know the proverb “A man is known by the company he keeps”? So, it is high time you gave up bad companions. I hope that from right now on you will read regularly and cut a good figure in the next examination.
No more today. You are a quite brilliant boy. So, I think you will appropriate decision and be punctual in your studies because without hard studying no can achieve his future goal.

Wishing you all the best.
Your brother,



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