Application for increasing facilities for the common room

Application for increasing facilities for the common room

20 October 2017

The Headmaster,

Cantonment Scool, Dhaka

Subject: Application for increasing facilities for the common room.


We beg most respectfully to state that our common room facilities are very poor and it is too small for the students.

For this reason, the common room remains almost always crowded. But many of us have to idle away our time. More newspapers and more facilities for indoor games can keep us engaged. Two more newspapers— one Bengali and one English, two more chessboards with chessmen and a ping-pong table will do for the present.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to increase common room facilities and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


On behalf of the students of

Cantonment Scool

English Master

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